Gematria is a system of numerology that assigns numerical values to words, names, and phrases in order to uncover hidden meaning. The practice dates back to ancient times, but has been used in Jewish mysticism and Christian mysticism for centuries. It has recently found its way into popular culture, with various studies concerning the connections between words and numbers being used as evidence to support events or ideas.
Gematria was developed as a study of the connections between letters and numbers. In some cases the numerical value of a single letter is pre-determined, whereas in others a formula is used to derive the total value when multiple letters are involved. This number is referred to as the gematria of the word or phrase. The interpretation of this number gives insight into its underlying meaning, which can have both religious and spiritual significance depending on the context of use.
One classic example of gematria is found in Jewish texts known as 'Kabbalah' which uses certain words from sacred texts as keys for unlocking deep understanding within the texts themselves. In Christianity, gematria has been known to play an important role in deciphering or interpreting passages from biblical texts.
The idea behind gematria can be simplified down to assigning meanings and values to words by looking at their numeric representation—and this concept has been embraced by many cultures throughout history. By examining various combinations of letters that contain special teachings or hidden messages, this practice reveals a greater depth than might be initially apparent on casual reading alone.
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